



Yanre's 61A51 重量盘架主要用于清理地面空间,使物品更有条理。 配有防滑橡胶垫,让您的地板也保持良好状态,镀铬保护架子不生锈,4个套筒杆,该设备可用于排列多个配重,同时方便您挑选板材.


配重板架 7


需要一种可靠的方法来保持您的配重板井井有条? 以批发价购买最好的奥运盘子架来自 Yanre 健康。 除了出售高品质的重量板架、支架和存储物品外, Yanre 是中国乃至全球顶级的健身器材供应商。


What is a weight plate rack?什么是配重架? A weight plate rack is a sturdy piece of gym equipment for weight plate storage between your strength training sessions.负重板架是坚固的健身器材,可在两次力量训练之间存放负重板。 It can be a convenient addition to any workout space, keeping your gym plate rack organized while protecting the floor from getting damaged by heavy weights.它可以方便地添加到任何锻炼空间中,使您的健身板架井然有序,同时保护地板免受重物损坏。


  • 保护您的健身房地板

Placing heavy weights on your gym floor can damage it over time.长时间在健身房地板上放置重物可能会损坏它。 A weight storage rack can help avoid this problem.重量存储架可以帮助避免此问题。

  • 保持体重有序

Once you get used to a weight plate rack, you will find it convenient to have anything you need be clearly in view.一旦习惯了配重盘架,便会发现将所需物品清晰地看到是很方便的。 An arranged setup means you won't have to go through stacks of plates to find the one you want.安排有序的设置意味着您不必遍历一堆盘子即可找到想要的盘子。

  • 节省空间

Some people tend to leave their weight plates on the floor when there is no rack.当没有架子时,有些人倾向于将配重板放在地板上。 This takes up space and causes clutter that could perhaps be used in a better way.这会占用空间,并导致杂波,可以更好地使用它。

的特点 Yanre 配重架

Whether it's a dumbbell rack, a barbell stand, or a barbell plate rack, it ultimately clears up floor space and makes things more organized.无论是哑铃架,杠铃架还是杠铃板架,它最终都会清理地板空间,并使事情井井有条。 Our weight plate rack is built to last, with anti-skid rubber pads that will help your floor stay in good condition too.我们的配重盘架经久耐用,带有防滑橡胶垫,也可以帮助您的地板保持良好状态。

With 4 sleeve bars, this equipment can be used to arrange multiple weights, while enabling convenient picking of your choice of plates.该设备带有XNUMX个套筒杆,可用于布置多个砝码,同时可以方便地选择所选择的板。 The chrome coating protects the rack from rust, while the four feet make it balanced enough to safely hang heavy gym weights.镀铬层可防止机架生锈,而四脚支撑使其足够平衡,可以安全地悬挂沉重的健身房。


  • 主机采用50 * 120 * 3.0扁椭圆管。所有管材均通过Q235认证。
  • 4个套筒杆,防锈的硬铬和坚固的内部结构使其坚固耐用。
  • 净重:50 公斤/110 磅
  • 毛重:60 公斤/132 磅
  • Installation size:1109*606*1234mm/ 44*24*49in
